Free webinar: How you can deliver a great customer experience

November 4, 2022
A webinar is being held later this month to help businesses improve their customer experience.

At the webinar, participants will hear about how Horizon Contact can help deliver a great customer experience.

Simon Gardner, sales manager of Lister Unified Communications, and Joe Pratten, Gamma's Cloud contact solutions expert, will be hosting the event on Tuesday, November 22, at 10.30am.

The three main features they will be discussing will be webchat, VIP and text.

Web chat, for example, means customers - who want to be heard and fast and at a time that suits them - don't have to sit in a call queue.  

Simon said: "Customer experience is so important these days so are you communicating with your customers new or old in the way they want? Or the most efficient for you?

"How would a VIP or web chat service help you and your customers? Well, you can have those solutions no matter your company's size.

“If the words 'contact centre' are said, most people have an image of massive call centres with hundreds of people taking calls. But nearly every single business is a contact centre these days. And the solutions are available to all businesses from VIP routing to web chat and text services.”

The webinar, lasting approximately 30 minutes, will offer a brief overview to see if Horizon Contact could benefit your business with no obligation or hard sales!

Register for the webinar here.

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